May 27, 2010
Here is sweet little Dalton. He was so funny to take pictures of because he wants to do only what he wants to do. But I guess every kids is like that. He kept giving his mom and I squints and I thought it was adorable. This is Dalton just being Dalton. I love the innocence of this age. They really don't care what others think. They are just interested in exploring and doing what they want to do. On a less sweet note, this session I found three HUGE ticks on me. EEK!!! That is the gross part of shooting out in a field I guess. :)

May 27, 2010
Here is sweet little Dalton. He was so funny to take pictures of because he wants to do only what he wants to do. But I guess every kids is like that. He kept giving his mom and I squints and I thought it was adorable. This is Dalton just being Dalton. I love the innocence of this age. They really don't care what others think. They are just interested in exploring and doing what they want to do. On a less sweet note, this session I found three HUGE ticks on me. EEK!!! That is the gross part of shooting out in a field I guess. :)

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Laura says:

That last photo is almost exactly the same as one I have of my little cousin! ^^ Love your photography, really amazing. May I ask what camera you have.?

(07.21.10 @ 06:52 PM)