April 12, 2010
Ok some of you guys have asked for an update on the Kelly Moore bag. I have had the chance to do a few shoots with it now and I really love it. It is the right bag for me and what I want out of a bag. My favorite thing is that it stands up when you set it down and I know it is not going to tip over. It is deep enough to set my camera with lens down in and it is safe. I like to get to a location find where I want to shoot and then set my bag down at my feet and go after it. I used to carry my shootsac and it was too much for my back after lots of shooting. There is not a need to carry the bag the whole time. Well for me at least. So me and my back LOVE this bag. Also after my shoot when I run into Chipolte for lunch I can carry it in and it does not scream camera bag. So that is a bonus.

April 12, 2010
Ok some of you guys have asked for an update on the Kelly Moore bag. I have had the chance to do a few shoots with it now and I really love it. It is the right bag for me and what I want out of a bag. My favorite thing is that it stands up when you set it down and I know it is not going to tip over. It is deep enough to set my camera with lens down in and it is safe. I like to get to a location find where I want to shoot and then set my bag down at my feet and go after it. I used to carry my shootsac and it was too much for my back after lots of shooting. There is not a need to carry the bag the whole time. Well for me at least. So me and my back LOVE this bag. Also after my shoot when I run into Chipolte for lunch I can carry it in and it does not scream camera bag. So that is a bonus.

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