October 21, 2010
We have been remodeling our kitchen since Labor Day. We actually started the design process about a month before that but Labor Day was when the demolition started. I ca say not having a kitchen for a month was really really hard. BUT I must admit I love my kitchen so much, it was totally worth it. So the first 2 are the BEFORE shots.

October 21, 2010
We have been remodeling our kitchen since Labor Day. We actually started the design process about a month before that but Labor Day was when the demolition started. I ca say not having a kitchen for a month was really really hard. BUT I must admit I love my kitchen so much, it was totally worth it. So the first 2 are the BEFORE shots.

Listed below are links to blogs that reference this entry: Our Kitchen Remodel . TrackBack URL for this entry: http://laurakayphoto.com/darkroom/mt/mt-tb.cgi/81

Nicole says:

Wow Laura! Your kitchen is beautiful. Your pictures are amazing!

(10.21.10 @ 04:17 PM)
lisa says:

wow! i looks soooo good!

(10.21.10 @ 04:18 PM)
lisa says:

lets try that again... wow! it looks sooo good.

(10.21.10 @ 04:19 PM)
Allison says:

What a gorgeous remodel! I'm such a fan of the white subway tile and the open shelves, not to mention the lighting! Great choices :)

(10.21.10 @ 05:07 PM)
Cheryl DeLany says:

Totally marvelous! :)

(10.21.10 @ 09:26 PM)
melanie mauer says:

swoon!!! xoxo

(10.22.10 @ 06:50 AM)
Nicki says:

FAB!! so jealous!

(10.22.10 @ 08:13 AM)
Kelli Sommer says:

Hey Laura, it looks great! I was wondering where you got/how you did the hanging pendants, I have been meaning to research that for our kitchen (remodeled over a year ago : )). . . and I love that look!

(10.22.10 @ 09:15 AM)
joyce says:

Beautiful Pictures...looks like something from a magazine or one of those HGTV shows. You must be a professional photographer! lol

(10.23.10 @ 09:29 PM)
brooke schwab says:

love it! it looks amazing!

(10.24.10 @ 11:48 AM)
Melissa M says:

Laura, Your new kitchen looks amazing! I bet you LOVE hanging out in there all the time! I especially love your sink! Great job!!

(10.26.10 @ 07:29 PM)
Bethany Ann says:

Wow!! The two different cabinets work so well together. You have such a stylish kitchen! Love it! :)

(11.15.10 @ 05:49 PM)
Marco Wang says:

that's stunning!

(11.23.10 @ 12:43 PM)
Veronica says:

Finally going through your blog after so long.... jason would DIE to have this kitchen. So gorgeous

(12.01.10 @ 05:17 PM)