August 11, 2009
Ok, so I am finally blogging more about the Marfa [trip] I went on in June. It was an amazing trip and I have made friendships with the ladies that will be cherished forever. I love how we are different and unique in our own way. I love how we can learn from each other and inspire each other. I feel so happy when i think about any of them. So here are the rest of my favorite pictures I took. I left the trip early to be with my son on his birthday, so there are a few days I missed. I am so excited we have already booked our next adventure together for October. I can't wait to see everyone again! I love these girls!!! If you haven't already check out our Marfa [trip] blog.

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lisa says:

what a fun place!!

(08.14.09 @ 06:34 PM)
brooke schwab says:

i think it is fun that you got lots of casual photos of all the girls. also, love the new blog!

(08.17.09 @ 06:50 PM)
eliesa says:

Congrats on the new blog - it looks great!

(08.18.09 @ 12:23 AM)