December 21, 2009
I just wanted to share my Christmas card. I only make my kids do a photo shoot once a year because they hate it and I hate it. I like capturing them randomly and informally. So I was making them get all showered and thinking of where I wanted to take them. Then I just decided to let them put on PJ's and climb in my bed. I even let them grab their favorite stuffed animals ( Daddy Bear, Mommy Panda, Horton and Saw-Wash). So 5 minutes was all I needed, just a few shots. Do you know how hard it is to shoot my kids? Well it is hard for me to shoot my kids. I never have problems with other peoples kids but mine are impossible at times! It was all I could do to get a few frames with Will's tongue inside his mouth. They are so goofy and just wanted to cut up. So this is them. My goofy kids. Merry Christmas!


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Nicki says:

oh how i miss them... adorable. give them big hugs from us!!

(12.22.09 @ 08:18 PM)
Natalie Franke says:

Absolutely adorable! Happy Holidays! :)

(12.23.09 @ 10:52 AM)
Melissa M says:

Merry Christmas, Laura!

(12.23.09 @ 06:28 PM)
Megan Garrison says:

Love that card!

(12.23.09 @ 11:15 PM)
Kristen gardner says:

I love this! Your kids are adorable. :)

(01.01.10 @ 08:34 PM)
stephanie casey says:

So cute! Merry Christmas.

(01.08.10 @ 11:39 AM)