January 7, 2010
I love a good ol Texas wedding. There is noting else like it. Cheyanne and Brandt live here in Washington DC but like me they are from Houston. I flew down for the weekend and it was an interesting weekend. The day of their wedding was the day of the HUGE snow storm here. We got 22 inches and everything closed down. So I am kinda glad I missed all of that but I was just barley allowed to fly home on Sunday because Reagan Airport had been closed. Nothing like sitting int he airport a few days before Christmas wondering if and how you would be able to fly home. Luckily I made it. Oh also crazy enough I ran into Cheyanne and Brandt in the Houston airport that morning! They were headed to Hawaii where it was much warmer. So enough of that back to the wedding. This was a RED night time Christmas wedding. I loved it! All of the details were perfect and it was at my old church (Second Baptist) which is always fun. The reception was at the Junior League. It was great being back in Houston and having Lisa shoot with me.

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lisa says:

they are great!!

(01.07.10 @ 04:03 PM)
Nicki says:

beautiful! l

(01.09.10 @ 09:12 AM)