January 8, 2010
On Sunday while my parents were still here Josh arranged for us to go take a private tour of the Old Guard / United States Army Ciassion Platoon 3rd Infantry at Ft. Myer. This is just about the nicest barn I have ever seen. These horses have it so well. They do the funerals at Arlington National Cemetery. The horses are cared for and trained every day. Their riding bridals and saddles are polished every working day at 4am. The soldiers in this unit do everything for these horses, from cleaning stalls, to training to making horseshoes. So on our private tour we got to meet all of the horses and give them a few peppermints. The most exciting horse to meet was Sgt. York. We even got a few souvenir horseshoes one of which was worn by Sgt. York. He was the riderless horse at Ronald Reagan's funeral. That is the horse that rides with out a rider and with Reagan's boots in the stirrups facing backwards to resemble the soldiers last ride looking back on his troops. Nancy Reagan brought her husbands boots to the stable the day before the funeral. Being at Arlington is amazing being surrounded by so much history. We have been several times since we have lived here and each time I learn something new. Here are a few shots from the day.

Here is Sgt. York. The spunky black one. He is full of energy.

Listed below are links to blogs that reference this entry: Sgt. York and the Old Guard . TrackBack URL for this entry: http://laurakayphoto.com/darkroom/mt/mt-tb.cgi/53

Mary Dougherty says:

love the photos what a great tour!

(01.08.10 @ 10:03 AM)
lisa says:

awesome!! really cool pics!

(01.08.10 @ 10:42 AM)
stephanie casey says:

Wow! What a neat tour. Will and Kate are learning so much!

(01.08.10 @ 11:37 AM)
Nicki says:

how fun! love the black and whites. kate and will are going to have so much to teach us next time we see you :)

(01.09.10 @ 09:09 AM)
laurakay says:

Hey, I'm Laura Kay too. I googled "Laura Kay" and your blog and mine Paislies came up.Nice to meet and nice snapshots. All the Best,
Laura Kay 2

(03.24.10 @ 01:06 AM)