February 10, 2010
On Friday night during the part 1 of the blizzard here on the East coast, we lost power. Fortunately it came back on in the middle of the night but the evening was the hardest part. It was super cold and it gets dark so early here. So at 6 we were sitting in the living room dark as can be with nothing to do but sit by the fire because our house temp was dropping. I had found some glow sticks in the cabinet left from Halloween so the kids had something to play with. Yup that is just how exciting we get. That night we all 4 snuggled up in our king bed with socks and sweaters on to keep warm. I do have to admit it was kinda fun but I am so glad the power is back on.

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lisa says:

it looks like they're having a blast! :)

(02.11.10 @ 05:54 PM)