August 24, 2010
When we were camping 2 weeks ago, we were bored because they did not have swimming or fires, remember? So we went to the retirement community center at the Airstream camp place. Inside there was an old library to check out books. Kate found an old western novel she checked out but the coolest thing was this ugly chair. I guess someone donated this ugly chair to sit in the library because it was the only piece of furniture in there. You should have seen he confusion on the faces of the little old couple when I asked if I could take it outside to take pictures with. That was funny. So anyhow I made the kids bare with me in the August heat in the middle of the day so I could take some pictures with this ugly chair. I got a whole 3 1/2 minutes. So this is what we got. Random, I know.

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lisa says:

i love them!! my new desktop pic!

(08.26.10 @ 01:25 PM)
Nicki says:

Love!! I miss the kiddos... maybe you can bring the library a new chair and trade them ;)

(08.27.10 @ 12:11 PM)
Kate Triano says:

LOVE!!!! You should blow up that first pic, it's fabulous! They are too cute :)

(08.27.10 @ 04:21 PM)
Jenn Link says:

Aw... miss you guys!

(09.18.10 @ 10:22 PM)
Kerry says:

Laura, these are beyond, love the chair!

(09.21.10 @ 03:19 PM)