March 2, 2011
My parents gave me a lemon tree for Christmas this year. It all started when I wanted one and went to a nursery here in Clarksville and they told me that you can't buy them here. I am pretty stubborn and was really set on having one. There aren't many things that I just have to have, but for some reason I really wanted my own lemon tree. My parents found one and bought it for me! It is an Improved Meyer Lemon Tree, grown in Texas. We drove it home and it sits in our breakfast room. Last month it bloomed the most wonderful smelling little flowers all over. When the sun would shine in the room you could smell it just being in the house. Now all of the little flowers fell off and there are a ton of tiny little baby lemons! I wasn't sure if it was actually going to produce lemons this year, but it is! So you can tell I am excited! I love my lemon tree! Thanks Mom and Dad!

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Emily says:

How cheery! I still have yet to try a Meyer lemon.

(03.06.11 @ 12:49 AM)
Sara says:

How fun! Daniel wants a citrus tree but we don't have a yard - or much light. Wonder if we can do an orange/mandarin tree in a pot like yours. Thanks for the inspiration! P.S. LOVE your new site - it's awesome.

(03.10.11 @ 01:34 PM)