April 6, 2011
I shot Sarah and Eric's Engagement Session while I was in Texas. Sarah's grandma is my great aunt, so we are cousins I think. Even though we did not grow up together I remember how Aunt Chris would always refer to Sarah and her sister "Little Laura and Lisa". My grandma was always sick when I was growing up and Aunt Chris was often coming in town and we sat around the ICU waiting room. I am sure it wasn't really all the time but as a kid it felt like ALL the time. I actually just got an old clock from my parents that was from an old hospital waiting room. I wanted it because it reminds me sitting in a waiting room bored to tears just waiting for either Aunt Chris or Aunt Katherine to show up so there was something to do. She always brightened up the day. She was always dressed so pretty and she treated Lisa and I like her own grand-kids. We would always get $1 if our room was clean. Now she sends Kate and Will $5 in the mail from time to time and writes for them to clean their room. So all of that to say I adore Sarah and her Grandma. I can't wait for their wedding this summer. I am excited to photograph Sarah and Eric get married but also Aunt Chris and Sarah's Uncle (my mom's cousin) Pat. He was in a motorcycle accident many years ago and lives at Brookwood Community. The wedding will be there and that is so sweet to me.

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sarah says:

THANK YOU LAURA :) We love them!

(04.06.11 @ 08:50 PM)
Diane Storti says:

Laura they turned out great! I love your style and your heart! I am so excited you are our photographer for the wedding! Can't wait!!!

(04.07.11 @ 09:58 AM)
lisa says:

love them! i'm really excited to do the wedding with you!

(04.08.11 @ 06:28 PM)
mintasa_clippingimages says:

the couple is simply fabulous......

(04.12.11 @ 12:10 AM)