Julia and DJ had a cute little morning wedding on Saturday. They kept it simple and beautiful by having the reception at the church hall. Sometimes simple can be so lovely. This wedding was really fun for me becasue Julia's mom goes to our church and there were several church members there. Stacy came to second shoot this wedding for me and we had a really fun day. We ended with going to the Starbucks were Julia and DJ had their first date. We got a few more pictures bird seed in hair and all. Aren't they so cute?

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auschick says:

so apparently Starbucks have this "no photography' policy in their stores, which i think is the dumbest thing ever :P glad you were about to get some shots in there!!!
Love that picture of the ?grandfather?

(08.19.09 @ 09:11 PM)
Melissa and Steve had such a fun happy wedding. I love it when most of the wedding is in daylight. It makes for such happy pictures! Don't get me wrong night time weddings are moody and romantic but there is just something special about daytime weddings. The ceremony was at St. John's United Methodist Church and the reception was at Springfield Country Club. When couple have cool and fun family and friends they day always turns out amazing! This wedding party was hilarious to be with. I loved it! Melissa and Steve are so sweet and Melissa look stunning! I love all of the little details about this wedding. Ok, enough babbling. On to the pictures.

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Melissa says:

I absolutely love them!!!!! I can't wait to see what else you have in store. I can't stop smiling! Thank you SO much for your super talented work, you captured everything just perfectly.

(08.16.09 @ 02:37 PM)
Stacy says:

I am LOVING this new blog! Great job. Well worth the time and effort put into it!

(08.17.09 @ 12:25 PM)
stephanie casey says:

The new blog looks awesome, Laura! I really like the tiny handwriting font and the charcoal color background. And that red headed baby from Melissa and Steve's wedding is soooooo cute!

(08.17.09 @ 11:10 PM)
Jennifer says:

Great new blog and site, Laura. And I really like the new logo! It's all very modern :)

(08.18.09 @ 09:08 AM)
Nicki says:

Love them!! Fantastic!
Totally dig the new blog and new look!

(08.18.09 @ 09:41 AM)
lisa says:

these are great laura! what a fun wedding!

(08.18.09 @ 10:43 AM)
Rachel says:

I absolutely LOVE the sparkler hearts! What a fun idea!

(08.20.09 @ 11:09 AM)
I have been working with Into the Darkroom on this custom blog since the beginning of May. I am so happy and proud for it to be finished. In the process of designing this I discovered another photographer with the same logo. I was in a sad situation and had to decide to let my little people go. I am loving my new look and I hope you do too! There are a few cool new features here. At the bottom of each post you can leave a comment like normal but you also have the option to link directly to this post on your own blog or website. My favorite feature is the share on facebook link. Click on that and you can share this post directly on your face book. So if you want to show all of your facebook friends your engagement pictures or anything else you think is cool click there. Speaking of facebook I created a new facebook page for Laura Kay Photography as well. You can click on the link above and become a fan. I will update that with news and promotions so check it out! Exciting things are happening with Laura Kay Photography and I am excited!!! So Welcome! I hope you like what you see and update all of your Google readers and share this site with your friends. Keep posted and remember that comments make me smile! So Please leave one today and tomorrow and tell me what you think!

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lisa says:

love love it!! all the hard work paid off! very proud of my sister!!

(08.14.09 @ 06:30 PM)
Chelsea says:

This is just fantastic Laura!!! Just stopped by your blog to see what you've been up to and what a pleasant surprise! Love it, love it, love it!!!

(08.16.09 @ 11:36 PM)
Sarah says:

Laura, you are so talented! Looking at your pictures makes me want to get married all over again, go on a road trip with you, get caught at a birthday party together, etc. just so I could have beautiful pictures by you! And the site is awesome!

(08.17.09 @ 07:33 PM)
Vicky @ Event Accomplished says:

Looks great Laura! See you Saturday!

(08.17.09 @ 10:09 PM)
marta says:

It looks awesome Hon! Well worth the hard work and wait!

(08.18.09 @ 09:04 AM)
Karen Morris says:

You have done an awesome job on your blog. Keep up all the hard work, it shows.

(08.18.09 @ 01:12 PM)

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lisa says:

cool pics!

(08.14.09 @ 06:34 PM)
Emily says:

Oooh I love your pics!

(08.17.09 @ 09:58 PM)
talida says:

such great photos, laura! love the new branding and everything, great job! :)

(08.18.09 @ 09:05 AM)
Ok, so I am finally blogging more about the Marfa [trip] I went on in June. It was an amazing trip and I have made friendships with the ladies that will be cherished forever. I love how we are different and unique in our own way. I love how we can learn from each other and inspire each other. I feel so happy when i think about any of them. So here are the rest of my favorite pictures I took. I left the trip early to be with my son on his birthday, so there are a few days I missed. I am so excited we have already booked our next adventure together for October. I can't wait to see everyone again! I love these girls!!! If you haven't already check out our Marfa [trip] blog.

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lisa says:

what a fun place!!

(08.14.09 @ 06:34 PM)
brooke schwab says:

i think it is fun that you got lots of casual photos of all the girls. also, love the new blog!

(08.17.09 @ 06:50 PM)
eliesa says:

Congrats on the new blog - it looks great!

(08.18.09 @ 12:23 AM)